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Big Happenings at Falcon's Nest

Big News for Falcon's Nest. The Town of Cary has approved our plans and our project is moving forward! We are so excited to announce that construction will begin this summer!



The Town of Cary has granted Falcon's Nest a development permit. This will allow us to move forward and request the appropriate permits from Wake County. If all goes well, Falcon's Nest will break ground within a few weeks.


In addition to the initial permits, our outdoor shelter is in production at Enwood Structures and we have hired a contractor, Reese Construction to help us envision Phase 1 of our master plan for Falcon's Nest. The GHE PTA expects to break ground later this month. 


When our Falcon Families return to school in August, we hope to have the first phase of Falcon's Nest complete. The students will be able to gather outside and explore the new space.


The GHE PTA will continue to keep everyone updated on our progress and would like to thank all of our founding supporters for helping to make this project come to life. We have many true friends and value these relationships. 


Soaring Falcon ($10,000+)

Heritage Go - $15,000 Grant


Flying Falcons ($5,000+)

Bovenizer & Baker Orthodontics

Towne Bank

Dan Ryan Builders


Friends of Falcon ($1,000+)

Erika Lipkin, CPA

Kris Kiegiel, Broker Keystone Properties

High House Pediatric Dentistry

Enwood Structures

Bob Gipp, RBC



Falcon Supporters

First Bank

Second Nature Landscaping & Irrigation

P&R Consulting Group, LLC

Ryon Wilder, Char-Grill

UNC Opthalmology

Wake Med ENT

Wake Orthopedics


jennifer evangelist on 7/2/2021 9:28 am